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UCCS CS-3020

Advanced Object Technology Using C#/.NET

Assignments and Solutions

(Last Mod: 12 May 2015 18:27:09 )

NOTE: Problems that are either letters or chapter.0 are instructor-defined problems and are not in the text.


Assignments are subject to change until they are official, which may not happen until shortly before the official date that the work is assigned (~1 week before due). Assignments that are official will have the asterisk removed from the HW number. Except as necessary, changes will not be made to an assignment once official.


The link under "HW" contains scans and/or write-ups of the actual problems.


HW # Prob Deitel SOLN
HW01 01 HW01-1 2.9 HW01
02 HW01-2 3.28
03 HW01-3 4.14
04 HW02-1 5.0 HW02
05 HW02-2 6.0
06 HW02-3 7.36
HW03 07 HW03-1 8.0 HW03
08 HW03-2 8.18
HW04 09 HW04-1 9.4 HW04
10 HW04-2 9.5
11 HW04-3 10.10
HW05 12 HW05-1 11.7 HW05
HW06 13 HW06-1 12.10 HW06
14 HW06-2 13.9
HW07 15 HW07-1 14.7 HW07
16 HW07-2 14.8
HW08 17 HW08-1 15.6 HW08
18 HW08-2 15.9
HW09 19 HW09-1 16.6 HW09
20 HW09-2 16.7
HW10 21 HW10-1 17.7 HW10
22 HW10-2 18.10
HW11 23 HW11-1 19.6 HW11
24 HW11-2 19.7
25 HW11-3 20.12
HW12 26 HW12-1 21.18 HW12
27 HW12-2 22.4
HW13 28 HW13-1 22.5 HW13
HW14 29 HW14-1 A HW14
30 HW14-2 B


Assignment Description Solutions
IQ01 In-class Quiz #1 IQ01
IQ02 In-class Quiz #2 IQ02
IQ03 In-class Quiz #3 IQ03
IQ04 In-class Quiz #4 IQ04
IQ05 In-class Quiz #5 IQ05

Assignment Description Solutions
EX01 Exam #1 EX01
EX02 Exam #2 EX02
EX03 Exam #3 EX03