DE248 Home Page

DE248 Drive Electronics


(Last Modified: 04 November 2010 06:09:18 PM )

Obtaining the Webpack


The WebPack tools can be downloaded for free from Xilinx.


As of this writing, the latest version is i9.2 and can be downloaded from here.


The file size is huge (nearly 6GB), so using the Web Install is the preferred method. It takes a while to install.


Although the tool is free, you will need to register and supply a username and password. (BFE: See the TechWeb)

Project Navigator Set Up

The purpose of this page is to describe how to get the Verilog source code files combined into a project that can be synthesized and programmed into a part. These steps are specific to the tools that were used.

The firmware was developed using the Xilinx Webpack tools. This is a free tool available from Xilinx.

The present version (release is far too formal a word) of the firmware was developed using release 7.1.03i. The following steps are for that release and may or may not translate well to other releases.

The following table contains the values of the project property fields that were used. The first four or five are the critical ones.

Property Name Value
Device Family Spartan2
Device xc2s200
Package pq208
Speed Grade -6
Top-Level Module Name HDL
Synthesis Tool XST (VHDL/Verilog)
Simulator Modelsim
Generated Simulation Language Verilog


To program the part using iMPACT you must configure the tool in a rather non-intuitive fashion. First, in the "Process View" window within Project Navigator (not iMPACT), scroll down and right click on "Generate Programming File". Then, select the "Startup Options" tab and choose "JTAG Clock" as the value for "FPGA Start-up Clock" property field.

Now double click "Configure Device (iMPACT)" from the bottom of the list in the "Process View" window.

Once iMPACT launches, it will bring up the "Configure Devices" wizard. Don't waste your time - cancel out of this and do the following steps manually:

  1. Select the "Boundary Scan" tab.
  2. Right click in the window and select "Add Xilinx Device".
  3. Choose the proper bit file from the menu (should be DE248.bit).
  4. Click the "Save" icon to save the configuration information (should be DE248.ipf).

To program the device:

  1. Right click on the FPGA icon and select "Program..."
  2. Choose "OK" (do not check the "Verify" box).

If you get an error indicating that the ID codes do not match, cycle power on the Digilent board and try again.

If you ever get the feeling that changes you are making to the code are not making it to the FPGA, one possibility is that the configuration file is using the wrong bit file. You can right click on the device icon and choose "Assign New Configuration File..." and select the correct file (be sure it is from the correct directory).