NAME (1pt): _________________________    SEC (1pt):    1    2    3    4    

1) (1 point) What are the five steps in the Problem Solving Methodology presented in the text for this course?

  1. ___State the problem clearly___________
  2. ___Define Input and Output___________
  3. ___Hand Example___________________
  4. ___Algorithm Development____________
  5. ___Testing________________________

2) (1 points) What characters are used to identify the beginning and ending of comments in a C program?

/*  <==  beginning of comment and end of the comment ===>  */

3) (2 points) This distance from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 93 million miles. Declare a variable of type double named "AstroUnit" and initialize it to this value using exponential notation.

double AstroUnit = 93.0e6;  /* 9.3e7 is also perfectly acceptable, but perhaps not as readable */

4) (1 point) Variables that are not initialized are:

a) Initialized to zero automatically by the compiler.

b) Have no value at all.

c) Have what ever value corresponds to the pre-existing state of the corresponding memory locations.  <=== Correct Answer

d) Are syntax errors and will be trapped by the compiler.

5) (1 point)  The ASCII code associated with a lower case letter is always 32 greater than the code associated with an upper case letter. The ASCII code for the letter A is 65 (in decimal). The ASCII codes increase as the associated characters increase in alphabetical order - i.e., the ASCII code for Z is greater than the ASCII code for A. What value is stored in the following declaration?

int a = ('z' - 'A');  /* Notice: 'z' and not 'Z' */

                    answer = 57 since 'Z' = 'A' + 25, 'z' = 'Z' + 32  =>  'z' - 'A' = ('Z' + 32) - 'A' = (('A' + 25) + 32) - 'A' = 25 + 32

6) (1 point) Write the definition statement for a symbolic constant for PI that satisfies the Style Guidelines for this course with respect to the use of parentheses in symbolic constant definition statements.

#define PI (3.1415926535897932)

Note: The value above has 17 sig figs so that it is compatible with the precision of type double on most compilers. The value you used is not a concern - using 3.14 or better is fine and 22/7 is acceptable (it's actually better than just 3.14) provided is it not done with integer arithmetic.

7) (1 point) What value is stored in the following statement?

k = 25 / 10 * 10;

           k = 20 since (25 / 10) invokes integer division and is equal to 2 (2.5 truncated).